And what a character he is. He's an idiot. A very successful idiot. He hosted a TV show for kids and a late night show, neither of which displayed an ounce of creativity or anything resembling thought. He made a movie that's a sort of Cliff's Notes version of Hamlet, except that's insulting to Cliff's Notes. He drinks beer constantly. He's a mysoginist. He's an inveterate huckster. And he's wealthy as a result.
Baker whacks away with a sledge hammer at the inanities of Hollywood. Of course, technology has changed a lot in the 26 years since he wrote this. That makes for different delivery of what Hollywood produces, but still just as much stupid therein. In fact, this pre-dates the vast wasteland that is Reality TV. I can just imagine how much more wealth Cowboy Wally would have accumulated if Reality TV was around at the levels it is now. It was in its infancy then. In fact Baker is almost prescient in having Cowboy Wally be the subject of this sort of documentary. It's just like watching one of the panoply of celebrity Reality shows we have now. It's like watching Gary Busey but comprehensible. Baker is just plain brilliant. I can't recommend this highly enough if you find pop culture at all amusing.
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