As I look to transition away from weekly work I hope to do
more opinion pieces discussing things like who is the creator of Superman as he
exists today, are comics important to Warner Brothers and Disney and other such
topics. I also want to start a series of columns where I induct creators and
characters in the Comics And… prestigious Hall of Fame. For fun maybe try and
do an occasional Hall of Shame. Of course a few reviews and rants thrown in along
the way, just no longer on a set schedule. As I work out the timing with the
crew I will let you know also.
Geez, another long preamble, it is like I can never get to
the point of these posts sometimes. This post is more the short blurb type of

Buy it for now.
The Avengers #13
is by Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer
and Mike Deodato. It is hard to not
like a book by Mike Deodato. I keep remembering he had a different style at DC
and I thought I read where Marvel asked him to adjust his style. Anyway he is a
star at Marvel now. One thing I will give this series is that I sold the first
12 issues for $36 on Ebay, so it was almost a rental situation for me to read
along. I’m concerned to see Nick Spencer’s name on this book as I’m not a fan
of his work and wonder where this is going. This concludes the arc of the
strange children of the Savage
Land brought about by the
builders. It is a good story but how this is all going to play out and pull
together is questionable. Hickman’s plan appears to be too ambitious or at
least needs a faster pace then even the
one it is on now.
Wait for the trade.

Buy it.
Avengers Arena #10
is losing its steam for me. I have nothing invested in these characters; the
deaths seem a little random. In this issue the big bad is Katy. She is fighting
a bunch of the characters and has one at her mercy (X-23) and lets her live,
but eventually kills another character Nico. Starting to wonder what is the
point of the series. I also can’t help but think it is odd that Marvel is
actually allowing these characters to be killed. Then I look at the line up and
why would anyone care if they are killed off. I’m starting to waver on this
Read it on the stands.
Cable and X-Force #9
was not by Dennis Hopeless as
writer. This was disconcerting as the last arc was great and this issue felt a
little bit like a fill in. We have a one and done about Hope going after Cable.
The solicitations show Hopeless back on the book, so all should be good. It was
a decent read, but eminently one that could be skipped.
Skip this issue.
Thanos Rising #3.
I hope the series will sell on Ebay. It is okay, but also at this junction it is
pointless. This issue we see how Thanos tries to find some passion in his life
via proliferating the galaxy with his children and then pirating without
killing. The pivotal moment where he comes into his own again and kills the
pirate captain was essentially skipped. I felt like it was a cheat as the
writer just has Thanos about to acquiesce to being decapitated and closes his eyes.
When he opens them he has killed the captain and is hailed as the new leader. That
critical transition demanded some thought process or understanding for the
reader as to what switch got thrown for Thanos. From there he goes home and his
ex-girl friend asks him to kill all the women he slept with and his offspring
to prove his love. Of course he starts to do it. His love has to be revealed as
Death soon.
Ambivalence rules – you decide.
Iron Man #11 –
Just weak, weak sauce. I want to skip it but now feel motivated to finish the
arc to be able to sell on Ebay.
Avoid it until I sell it on Ebay and bid it up as an instant
Locke and Key Omega
#5 by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriquez is a great issue in a
great series. It is seriously way too late to jump onto this book, but it is
well worth it to pick up the first trade and check it out. The series has great
writing, great characterization, and fantastic art. It makes you salivating
with anticipation for the next issue.
Green Lantern #21
by Robert Venditti, Billy Tan and Richard Friend was a good issue and oh
look Matt Idelson is the group editor. I actually enjoyed this book more then
the Geoff Johns stuff. It felt like a breath of fresh air. Johns and Mahnke did
some good and some great work on the book but it was time for a new approach.
Hal and Carol can’t get there relationship right, Hal is called back to Oa and
put in charge of running things. He tries to say it was not his thing, but he
was appointed anyway. The new Guardians go on hiatus and everything goes to
hell. I’m sold.
Buy it.
That is a wrap for this week.
Thanks for the tip on selling the Avengers lot! I should have one up very soon.