Comic books thrive on the number one book and I’m sucker to
try out new series. I guess my hope is that it maybe something new or slightly
different and of course number one issues garner higher sales. As an
ex-retailer I can tell you that ordering number one issues is a hard task. In
the direct market, you order it, you own it. So try and guess which of the many
number one issues will be sought after month after month is a very tough game.
Of course on a personal level to make room for new books I have to kick some others
to the curb. This week I decided no more Demon Knights and no more Damsels.
Both books are okay, but not good enough when my list has gotten too big again.
Before I jump into some commentary on the number one issues
this week I need to give you the links for next week’s books, the clean list is
here and the detailed listing is
here. Next week is a ridiculously big week for
me with 38 items on my list. The highlights have to be Great Pacific, Walking
Dead, All New X-Men, Batman and Punk Rock Jesus. A ton of great stuff is coming
This week was no slouch either and the chance of me having
time to write about all of them or even reading all of them is slim. I have six
number one issues to hit, so let’s get to it.
Colder #1 (of 5)
Paul Tobin
Ferreyra hit the stands from Dark Horse. First I have to thank Dark
Horse for actually letting me know it is a mini-series as some companies are
playing with not mentioning a book is a mini-series. I have no clue if this is
the first in a planned series of mini-series, but it was a great start. This is
a horror title and it does a great job in setting up the scenario for us. It
starts back in 1941 with a fire in an insane asylum in Boston, Massachusetts.
As the fire is going on and people are dying and running around like madmen
(couldn’t resist) an odd man steps out of a breach in the universe. He is
hungry but walks up to a man (Declan) who appears to be almost robotic and
tells him he will grow colder. Next we jump to today and find our odd man
walking about the city unseen. He jumps up into a cell and convinces a man to
hang himself and feasts on his soul. Next we find Declan again, now being cared
for by a social worker who took him in. He is now almost a frozen entity and a
total mystery to his caretaker who has had him for five years. The odd entity
appears and speaks to Declan and after he leaves Declan announces to the young
woman who is his caretaker, they need to talk after five years of never saying
a word. Juan Ferreyra’s art is very well done as he captures all the nuances
the story needs and his story telling ability is very strong. The book does
what it should do on every level. It gives us the set-up and cast of
characters. It gives us a menace and it gives us mysteries. After reading this book I know I can’t wait
to come back for more.

Next up is
Iron Man
#1 by
Greg Land and
Jay Leisten. I have done an almost all in for the
Marvel Now stuff. I had gotten away from many Marvel books but like any fan of
the genre I like to check in now and again. Marvel Now is a great spot for me
to see what is what on many of these books. For me all comics are about the
collaborative nature of the book. The factors are writer, artist, interest in a
character and how the mix all works out. Going in I hate Greg Land’s artwork.
His photo referenced style and awkward expressions and weak story telling
really hurt a book. Gillen’s work has been solid, but I have yet to be blown
away by anything he does. The character Iron Man is one I have no love for
anymore. It is odd, because the Robert Downey Iron Man in the movie is
absolutely awesome and Tony Stark in the book never captures it as well as the
movies. In fact I think they are trying too hard to ape the movies when they
should let each thing be itself. The story was okay as the Extremis virus is
apparently loose and Iron Man is off to stop who has it. At the end he finds
out four pieces are loose in the world and he is off on the multi-part quest
that should round out nicely into four adventures and a conclusion to give us a
neat six issue arc (or maybe just five). Of course that will fit neatly in a
trade collection. I almost was going to give this book a second chance, but in writing
the review I realized the book left me cold (again could not resist the pun).
Also at $4 a crack, it is not enticing me to sign up. A one and done which is
something I strive for especially with trying out books.

Third on the list is Before
Watchmen Moloch #1 (of 2) by J. Michael Straczynski and Eduardo Risso. This idea to tack on
more of the Before Watchmen stuff felt a little artificial and I was wondering
if DC like the sales numbers and decided to throw out some more books just for
the bucks. Of course the creators are people I like with JMS being about a .750
hitter and Risso bats 1.000 for me, so I was not going to pass up on it. I very
glad I got this book. Moloch was someone of a cipher in the Watchmen book and
used to just define the heroes. Here he is given a back story and a solid
origin. The story goes from birth to his redemption. It takes us through his
early days of being a criminal fighting the Minutemen to his confrontation with
Dr. Manhattan. It is a great summation of what the golden and silver age of
comics was like to the more post modernistic portrayal of super heroes that
Moore did with Watchmen. It is all brilliantly portrayed by Eduardo Risso.
Risso is an artist who first became famous overseas and has become known to
American fans via 100 Bullets. He has a very unique style that I have not seen
anyone try and duplicate and in that regards he reminds me of Steve Ditko. Not
that their styles are similar at all as one huge difference is Risso can draw
beautiful women. All in all this was an excellent book and an addition that is
worth reading or just worth reading on its own as a character study. Now if
only someone would report on the lateness of many of the other books. Not that
it is unexpected with artist such as Adam Hughes and Jae Lee, but Cooke and
Connor are usually right as rain, what is the scoop DC?

Fourth up is
Dogs #1 by
Hine and
Doug Braithwaite. I believe this is an unlimited
series but I’m often not sure with Image books. David Hine has always been a
writer whose work I have enjoyed and I thought that Marvel and DC have been
insane to not have him doing work for them. Their loss maybe our gain as this
book has a lot of potential. I also enjoy Doug Braithwaite’s art so that is two
for two going in. Of course I have no clue what the book was about otherwise,
so they need to sell me quick and they have. The setting is one of a Galactic
Empire type thing and we have a small group of criminal investigators going out
to a small backwater type of world to investigate a series of murders. The
planet is subject to extreme storms that can easily kill someone. This leads to
our title as the investigators are insistent on going out into the storm, they
get tagged as storm dogs. The four investigators are used to a higher tech
world and are forced to use lower tech so as to not interfere with how this
world operates. The one quibble I have is that the four investigators are three
women and one gay guy. I don’t have a character from the high tech world I can
relate to. On one hand it is not a problem on the other I feel that this is
almost too hard trying to go against type casting. It would not have hurt to
add a straight male or changed one of the women into a male character. Again it
is a minor quibble and did not detract from my enjoyment, but it did make me
think about the casting. The set-up is well done, the introduction of the backwater
world is well done, the cliff hanger with the other race native to the planet
was well done and the actual mystery of what is happening is well done. I would
put this book up with Saga as a cool science fiction book. It is nice to see
that genres are being aggressively pursued by many companies.

The fifth number one is
#1 by
Jordan and
Patrick Zircher (co-writers) and
Patrick Zircher
on art. What a pedigree this book has with Justin (Strange Talent of Luthor
Strode) and Patrick Zircher, whose art I really enjoy. I barely remember
Shadowman from the original valiant run. As I read this book bits and pieces
felt familiar to me. The bottom line this was another great start for a Valiant
series. The creators they have gotten for these books are all more cutting edge
people who are proven, yet still newer to the field. It also appears like the
original source material was read and then adapted into a modern re-telling of
the story. In this book we have a second generation Shadowman and he is
clueless that he is Shadowman. We start with his father sacrificing himself in
a battle with Darque, then jump ahead to find his son struggling with trying to
find out information on his parents. A lot of ground work is laid out for this
book and the back story is all very well done. We also get some cool action
scenes and we see Jack Boniface turn into Shadowman at the end of the book as
he is fighting off some monsters. This was a great start to the story and great
artwork and a very, very cool black on black cover. Valiant’s new launch has me
hooked on every title. I like the entire Valiant plan to date with getting
newer talent that has shown they know how to writer and draw and then slowly
roll out a line of comics.

Last and not least is
#1 by writers
Gerry Duggan and
Brian Posehn with art by
Tony Moore.
Uncanny X-Force has made me more of a fan of this character and Marvel Now gave
me a chance to check him out. I’m not sure what the premise was before other
then it was not a “serious” book, but this is a total comic take on the character.
It works and with Tony Moore’s artwork and it is a very enjoyable book. Just
enough plot, violence and humor to make this title a fun book. It will probably
never be the best of the week, but I’m coming book for more fun with Deadpool
vs dead Presidents. A big plus for a book like this is keeping it as a $3 book.
Part 2 will go up
this afternoon and will be shorter, a lot shorter.
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