This week I have too many books to be able to read
everything so some will not make the cut. Overall I give the week a C+ based on what I read. It suffered from comparison
to last week, but there were a lot of really good books but too many blah
books. Onto some quick quips on each book I read.

Wolverine and the
X-Men #21 was garbage. I checked in as I had read the book was good, but
this felt like a poorly done rerun of work done better by Claremont and Byrne
years ago. Also Nick Bradshaw’s art has a lot of issues.
Nightwing #14 was
okay, but I get tired of the incompetent hero. I understand the danger level is
supposed to be high, but Dick was outflanked on every turn in this issue. I
want the hero to succeed.

Avengers #34 ends the Bendis run on the book. The series under Bendis was turned into the central focus of Marvel Universe. It had a lot of fun moments and a bunch of clunkers; this issue was an example of both.
Wonder Woman #14
was another great issue and a prelude to a return of the New Gods. Tony Akins
is an okay second artist, but I prefer Cliff Chiang. I’m just constantly amazed
that DC is finally producing a WW series that I can truly enjoy.

Dark Avengers #183
is almost ready for the chopping block. The story was way too long and now the
decks have been cleared for the next iteration of the book. Not sure if I will
check it out or just pass.
Legion of Super
Heroes #14 was okay and only makes the cut since Giffen is coming back with
issue #17.
X-Factor #247 is
my last issue of this book, yet again. On the strength of a friend’s
recommendation I checked out the last few issues and while it was enjoyable I’m
just not into this book anymore. It’s me, not you.

Fables #123 was a
great issue. I loved the Big Bad Wolf two part story and the resolution of his
destiny was well done. I can live without the two pages of back up story. I
find it impossible to follow a story with just two or four pages a month.
Sword of Sorcery #2
is a decent book. This is not my usual type of book and I almost need a
scorecard to follow the various houses but the art is strong and the story has
me interested at this point. The modern Beowulf tale as a backup story is also
very enjoyable. Somehow I wonder if the comic market place will support this
book, but I’ll follow along for now.
X-O Manowar #7
was another good issue. I like how this story is a natural progression. It
feels like it will ultimately have to have an endpoint, but that could be 30 or
40 issues in. Many series have a premise that has an unlimited ceiling; this
story feels like it should have an endpoint. X-O and Ninjak are now allied with
a member of the Vine in trying to save Earth from the forthcoming invasion. The
book has strong writing by Robert Venditti and strong art by lee Garbett and
Stefano Gaudiano.

Number 13 #0 is a
reprint of some Dark Horse Presents material and set-ups the three issue
mini-series. It is a post apocalypse setting about a young boy who is a weapon
in a world of mutated monstrous humans. Think I will pass on the mini-series.
Batwoman #14 has
beautiful artwork. The problem is JH Williams designs are so elaborate as to
make reading the story at time impossible. On top of that it is severely
overwritten. I’m off this book as soon as Williams stops drawing it.
Birds of Prey #14
is a good action/adventure book, but I’m just 100% into this book. I think the
unfamiliar / familiar characters created by the DCU reset is interfering with
my enjoyment of this series. Overall it is good enough to stay on my list.
And that will have to be a wrap. I ran out of time this week
and failed to read BPRD 1948 #2,
Harbinger #6, Revival #5, The Spider #6, Hellblazer #297, Baltimore The Play,
Mind the Gap #6 and The Shadow #8.
If anything is tremendous or atrocious I may mention then next week.
Come back next Monday and we will do it all over again.
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