The week was weak. A few very good books to be sure but so
many just okay books and outside of Happy few wow books that it goes down
as C.
Some of the books in this segment make me want to call it a C -, but the
overall is a solid C.

Phantom Lady and Doll
Man #3 (of 4) by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Cat Staggs and Tom Dernick is way too standard.
Since it only has one more issue to go I will follow it to the bitter end. This
book emphasizes that if the first issue is not a winner I need to drop the book
right away. A mini-series is too easy for me to be sucked into. Plus it feels
like DC has no real plans for some characters being reintroduced via National
Comic and the occasion Gray/Palmiotti mini-series. DC has locked themselves
into this pretend number of having just
52 series.

Batgirl Annual #1
by Gail Simone and Admira Wijaya was okay. Yet another
Talon apparently is going to be a good guy and join up with the Birds of Prey.
Batgirl and Catwoman become friends and fight a bunch of Talons. The whole
Court of Owls thing was done too fast and added way too much into the bat
titles. It is like the books are desperate for something new and it is being
added in everywhere. It does not even make comic book sense that this large of
an organization went unbeknownst to Batman. Now we have a Talon series and a
Talon going to join the Birds of Prey.
Hit Girl #4 by Mark Millar
and John Romita
Jr. is just utter madness and insanity. This 10 or 12 year old girl,
often drawn so small as to appear to be even younger slicing and dicing the bad
guys is a guilty pleasure. Not a great book and totally forgettable, but it is
entertaining. That’s how I see Millar at this point, high entertainment with no
real stretching of mental muscles. This is a breather book or a book targeting
the video game generation. While I have at times been a detractor of Millar’s
work, the guy knows how to build a commercial product.
AvX Consequences #4
(of 5) by Kieron
Gillen and Mark Brooks has been an okay series. I think the
weekly frequency helps because it shortens the decompressed story telling style
that is the norm today. It makes the consequences of AvX get to an ending
faster. At $3 this would have been a better series. Still, I like where it is
going with Cyclops and how everyone is starting to adjust to him.
Last and by far least is BPRD #100 by Mike Mignola, John Arcuidi, Tyer Crook and Dave Stewart. Stewart on colors is
such an important part of all the Mignolaverse stuff as his color palette keeps
a consistent feel to everything. Pointless to talk about plot and such as there
is a lot going on and half the time I have to try and recall all that is going
on. This is a series that you need to invest in and trust in how good it will
be and you may be able to get into it. For me I have been with the series
forever and sometimes forget what is what. The book has been great because the
cast who started the series have all been killed or replaced. You have a series
where what happened matters.
Come on back next week and see it I have the time and energy
to cover all the books on my list.
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