Marvel has issued a press release on the news:
It was the shot heard ‘round the world. Following the most shocking and controversial event in comic book history – the assassination of Captain America in the pages of Captain America #25 – neither the heroes of the Marvel Universe nor the rest of the world have quite come to grips with this most traumatic of losses. From the moment he was taken from us until today, one fact has proven to be true: the world still needs Captain America. And now, the time has come! At long last, the legend, the hero, is back. Steve Rogers makes his triumphant return from the grave in the publishing event of the year: Captain America Reborn, a five part series from Marvel Comics beginning this July.

Long seen as the world’s greatest hero, Captain America made his first appearance in March, 1941, boldly fighting the Nazis in World War II. As a symbol of true patriotism, his popularity soared during the war as he became a nationally revered icon of US efforts to spread freedom around the globe. Serving as the Sentinel of Liberty for nearly 70 years, Cap embodied the spirit of the American people and became one of the world’s most beloved and recognizable characters. His death rocked the entire world, real and fictional, and his return from the grave promises to be a landmark event as well.The recipient of two Eisner Awards for his tale about the life and death of Captain America, Ed Brubaker joins forces with acclaimed Ultimates artist Bryan Hitch for the landmark Captain America Reborn series. This partnership promises to produce the visually arresting, action packed story that fans around the world have been eagerly anticipating.A story that captured international attention, Captain America #25 polarized shocked audiences by starkly depicting the murder the cultural icon. On that fateful day when shots rang out on the courthouse steps, Cap’s greatest enemy—the Red Skull-- achieved his greatest ambition—or so it seemed. Since that time, the Marvel Universe has been in chaos, as as the Red Skull has worked towards his true endgame. But now there is a ray of hope in the form of Steve Rogers!How can Steve Rogers return from the dead, and will his rebirth be enough to stop the global threat of his sworn enemy? Hitting shelves on July 1st, the special five part series Captain America Reborn finally reveals the true scope of the Red Skull’s nefarious plan, and begins Captain America’s triumphant return.
I have few remark to make about this announcement by Marvel.
1) This is what I was expecting and I'm happy to see this story come into play. There is no reason Bucky Cap can't hang around and it now makes more sense that his costume is so different from Steve Rogers.
2) Why did Marvel feel the need to move up Captain America #600 release date and force some retailers into paying extra money to get one book into their stores with the promise of this have earth shattering repurcussions. I'm willing to bet no non-comic fan gives a damn about this. Dying yes, rebirth no.
3) I just hope that Cap is the one to end the Dark Reign. With so many creators loving Obama I just hope it is just Cap and super hero company taking him down and not a panel where Cap and Barack are throwing a fist and laying out Norman Osborne.
4) I would love to see two series coming out from Marvel, with one book being Bucky's and one being Steve Rogers.
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