Okay I’m back. Of course I’m going on a trip at the end of
the month, this time for a wedding. My wife and I only travel back to Maryland for wedding and
funerals it seems. I’m planning on going to Baltimore Comic Con this year to
break that trend.
First off I have to thank Matthew for filling in on Tuesday.
He did a great job as always. Next I have to give you the clean and simple list
for next week’s books here at Cosmic Comix and the detailed one at MidtownComics. For me the week breaks down with only 2 DCU comics, Sword of Sorcery and Wonder Woman. I’m getting the Authority collection since I sold my
Absolute Editions. Outside of that I’m only getting Fables, so DC is barely on
my radar next week. Marvel fares a little better with five books, Age of Ultron, Cable and X-Force, FF, Iron
Man (following the new origin) and Nova.
My point of sharing every book I’m getting next week is to show
that over 50% is coming from other publishers. The full list is Dream Merchant, Fatale, Legend of Luther
Strode, Think Tank, BPRD, Conan, Dream Thief, Doomsday, GI Joe Special
Missions, Bloodshot, Mark Waid’s Green Hornet, Comic Book Creator, Thunderbolt,
Shadow and X-O Manowar. I
believe that not only with my list, but in general we are seeing a shift in
power. The big 2 will of course remain dominate, but the other publishers seem
to have the more exciting projects. The big names are flocking to creator owned
projects. It is an exciting time for comics as the digital market place,
Kickstater and other things are changing the industry.
Onto the books, my plan is for the first post to be a long
one. I’m covering most of what I read and tomorrow to have five shorter solo
reviews of recent number one issues.
The Walking Dead #110
was a great issue. Jesus stops the one guy from blowing the planned attack of
Negal and his group. Rick and company go to Ezekeil’s compound. Michonne does
not take well to his acting as a king and he confesses his back story to her.
Looks like Michonne may have found a friend and someone she could care about.
This book always has it peaks and valleys. For my money the book is moving
towards a peak. It is ten times better then the TV show and you really never
know what is going to happen and who will live and die.
Buy it.
Battlefields #6
was a brilliant ending for Anna Kharkova. In fact Dynamite should pull all six
issues of her story and publish it as a collected edition. In some ways Garth
realistic portrayal of war stories faltered this issue. While Anna’s last story
was touching and a fitting ending for a pilot and proud warrior it felt like it
was not real. She steals a Mig and flews it towards to US. She does not turn in
the plan and become a traitor she decides to fly straight up. It was a poetic
ending, just not as reality as Garth brings to most of his stories. I think
Garth feel in love with Anna as much as we all did.
Buy the trade.
Suicide Squad #20
was a nice start for the new creative team. Now I want to see what else Ales Kot has written and I believe this
is Patrick Zircher’s first DC work.
It was not a hard re-set; it was more of the next phase of the Suicide Squad.
In my mind it gave us some new stuff, but did not wipe away the past. DC has
been quiet for about 4 weeks and this type of issue gives me hope that maybe
things are settling down. Then I remember who is running the company and cross
my fingers this book gets left alone and can just be what it is. It is odd that
they have something called the Samsara serum which can bring you back to life
and it is being used for villains by the government. The problem I have if this
is in the DCU then death is meaningless. Batman will be pissed when he finds
out. It is one of those plot points that sounds cool as you are writing it, but
the overall implications are problematic. So I will ignore it and just enjoy
the ride. Great kick off for the new team as they establish the cast and now we
await the next mission.
Buy it.
Justice League #3
is crap. It has Geoff Johns, David Finch
and Richard Friend and it is crap.
The art feels rushed as Finch has never maintained a monthly book. The script
is weak and the motivations of the characters are not compelling. After the
Trinity War crap I will have to re-assess, it maybe time to drop the three
Justice League books. Marvel is doing a better job with the Avengers books then
DC is with the JL books. It has been a long time since Johns has been a reason
to buy a book.
Skip it.
As happy circumstance would have it, next up is Avengers #11. It was a good issue as
some of the kids run off to do a covert operation. Gambling, drinking, fighting
and other shenanigans ensure. My favorite stuff is seeing Shang-Chi in action.
I wish to Thor that Marvel could get some sort of deal cut and reprint the
original Master of Kung Fu stuff as a high end edition and not some damn
doorstop Omnibus. I’m enjoying this series but I have to say that all of the
Avengers books that I’m reading are convoluted as hell. This book is still
dealing with the builder stuff and has more moving parts then a Rube Goldberg
Buy it.
Harbinger #12 was
another solid issue. I recently re-read the first arc from the 90’s version of
the comic. I remember loving all of the early stuff under Jim Shooter, but the
update is better. These are the same characters but the motivations and who
they are is done better. Of course I believe that the planning behind the
series was easier once you decide that you are going to update old concepts. It
is easier to rebuild then build from scratch. I would love to hear what some of
the original creators think about what is going on and of course I’m sure there
are issues about who owns what. Anyway we are in the middle of the Harbinger
wars and Peter comes to offer his help to the escaped Psiots kids of Rising
Spirit. Only they are not concerned with escaping as they are just trying to
enjoy life for the moment since there are bombs in their head that could be
re-enabled at any time.
Buy it.
Batman #20 was
just flat out fun. Capullo can draw
the crap out of Batman and each issue is just beautiful. Scott does a nice job
with Batman defeating Clayface. My one gripe is that Snyder has fallen in love with Batman having more gadgets then
ever. On one hand, of course Batman would own every technological advantage
possible. On the other hand I like to think ultimately Batman’s brains and
physical skill can take down almost anyone. It is a tough line to straddle with
the level of foes Batman is up against. All in all this is just a rock solid
beautiful book. Another plus is that
this book will not be part of any of other “events” for a little while.
Buy it.

Buy it.
Uncanny Avengers #8
also has time travel and is at least as convoluted as Hickman’s Avengers. Heck Rick Remender is dragging in plot lines
from Uncanny X-Force. I did not even remember Angel having twin children. I
also never knew Sunfire served as a horseman for Apocalypse. See what happens
if you don’t read every Marvel comic ever published or fail to take notes. I
hated the ending. We are supposed to believe a group of Avengers was killed on
the last page. The whole anyone is dying at Marvel or DC has no impact anymore.
Also I’m not a big Daniel Acuna fan.
His art is okay, but it leaves me a little cold. Now after all of that, you may
think I hate the book, I don’t. It is enjoyable to read and you have to try and
make sure you following all the moving parts. I’m curious as to how it will
come together. Of course with Remender I worry a little. He often slow plays
the finish out so far that by the time we get there I no longer care. When I’m
reading Remender and Hickman I feel like a kid again as I’m yelling “Are we
there yet”.
Buy it.

Buy it.
Archer and Armstrong
#0 was a nice origin story that gave me as many questions as it answered.
It is interesting as sometimes I vaguely remember the old Valiant stuff as I’m
reading the new stuff and it creates a level of confusion in my mind. This is
not Valiant’s strongest book, but this issue was entertaining.
Read it on the stands.
Wolverine #3 is
typical Paul Cornell as you read it
you are wondering about what the hell is going on. Alan Davis and Mark Farmer’s
art looks great as always. This book could get interesting down the road, but
right now the art is carrying the book.
Skip it.
Okay nothing else until Tuesday and they will be solo
spotlight reviews of some recent #1s.
RE: Archer and Armstrong: If you already bought it, you could always send it to a friend! I almost picked it up for the Clayton Henry art. Glad it was entertaining.
ReplyDeleteSorry A&A is now going to my nephew.